Sarah, Camper
Students of all experience and skill levels can explore digital photography or film process photography and darkroom printing. The Digital Photography major teaches fundamentals and advanced techniques within a digital environment.
For detailed information on each class concentration, please click on the relevant subject name below.
NOTE: There is no limit on the number of times students can take any of the Photography classes.
Students wishing to take the Digital Slideshow Production class are required to have completed at least one prior year of Sugarloaf photography (either Black & White Film Photography or Digital Photography); this is now a more advanced production class than prior years.
All Photography students in any of the three areas of concentration must have attended at least one prior year of Sugarloaf Camp in any major.
The cameras that students use at Sugarloaf will need to allow easy adjustment of shutter speed (how long the shutter is open) and aperture (how wide the lens opening is). Adjustment should be with knobs, rings or push buttons. The terms SLR and DSLR refer to single lens reflex and digital single lens reflex. These cameras generally have lenses that can be changed out and are not the simple point & shoot cameras.
A number of cameras are available for loan for Photography classes. The Photography Director John Echols is happy to discuss camera requirements or loans with you. His number is: 530-913-5457.
Registration Process
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